The Freedom Training Ground Refund Policy
All of our courses come with a 60-day money back guarantee based on the following factors:
- You've watched all of the available training videos for the course.
- You did all of the worksheets or downloads included in the course.
- You implemented the strategies in the course and gave them time to work.
- You attended at least one group coaching session, one office hour session, or had one complimentary strategy session with Kiala.
If you did all of the above, but are not seeing improvement, then you may request a full refund within 60 days of when you enrolled in the course. You understand and agree that this is the only circumstance where refunds will be considered. Please note that refunds are not automatically guaranteed and won't be given simply because you changed your mind or decided you don't want to do the course anymore. We put a lot of time and energy into providing you with effective strategies and real world applications for them. If you don't apply the techniques and actually use the strategies, then they won't work. You must put in the time and be consistent in your pursuit of your desired outcomes. Participants who see the greatest results are the ones who take our courses seriously and treat their businesses like businesses and not like hobbies. If you've committed to the process and are still not seeing any results, email us and we will start the refund policy by scheduling a quick chat with you.
If you enroll in a course from The Freedom Training Ground, you are agreeing to this limited 60-day refund policy.